Bunnies (Babies Room)
We have a spacious, stimulating, homely and tranquil baby unit with a wide range of traditional, modern and natural toys, that enable unlimited learning and play opportunities.
Lights, materials, mobiles and wall pictures offer stimulus for the eye, and music, singing and talk are sounds to be heard throughout the day.
Our baby room is self-contained, with a nappy changing area and its own kitchen for preparing and storing milk, baby meals and drinks along with sterilising of all feeding equipment.

"Secure Garden"
The babies have their own secure garden area where they can access a variety of both physical and sensory experiences.
"Play and Explore"
There are plenty of opportunities for free movement to play and explore including a Kasbah den, role play area, messy play activities and sensory areas. Our treasure baskets and heuristic items excite babies with items designed to stimulate all the senses.

Our staff are very experienced and trained in caring and planning for babies' individual development needs, to ensure that each child has appropriate learning opportunities. At all times the babies are aware that they are in a safe and warm environment where they will receive plenty of attention, nurturing and care.