Cubs (Pre-School)
Our Pre-School room allows children to become more independent and self-confident in what they can do and achieve. Children are encouraged and supported to problem solve, think critically and make their own decisions, and develop their own ideas.
Daily activities include construction in our builder's yard, modelling, role play, water and sand play, baking, listening to stories and singing.
Children are encouraged to develop their creative ideas both on paper and through expression. The children have an interactive smartboard, which gives them the opportunity to develop ICT Skills, and use simple educational programs specially designed for children of this age group.
Outside play is available throughout the day to allow children to explore further learning opportunities. Outdoors enables children to move freely and develop skills such as climbing, coordination, balance and support health and wellbeing.

"Hobbit and Play House"
The children enjoy den-making and regular welly-walks in the locality, making mud pies in our outdoor kitchen and role playing in the hobbit house and play house.
"French Lessons"
The Cubs have a French lesson once a week, as well as a dance session by 'Lancashire Dance Academy'

Cubs also have the opportunity to take part in weekly swimming lessons. The children also have their own woodwork area where they perform simple carpentry activities in small closely supervised groups. Children can develop creativity designing their own projects, exploring and learning how to safely use tools. Children learn with real experiences in a safe environment.